Hillside View Orthodontics:
 Kazumi Ikeda
Japanese  »

  • Perfect for dentists and specialists practicing orthodontics with an interest in TMJ
  • Illustrates how to achieve a harmony between TMJ and orthodontic treatment through abundant comprehensive records and long-term follow-up data
  • Offers information on a notable relationship between TMJ condition and facial growth, particularly that of the mandible
  • Various concepts and treatment mechanics are explained alongside approx. 1750 illustrations and pictures, approx. 250 MRIs, and approx. 360 CBCT images

In full color, 230 pages

Retail price:

  • Shipping to an address in Japan:
    ¥27,500 JPY (tax included)
  • Shipping to an address outside Japan:
    $210 USD + Shipping

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