Asymmetrical cases in later stages of growth


Post-Splint Tx

Post Tx

In ①, the eyebrows are tilted to the left and the left ear is positioned lower than the right ear. This is an unconscious correction for the left chin being shorter and the chin being shifted to the left.
In ②, after splint treatment, the eyebrows are parallel to the floor, but the chin has shifted to the left, revealing the original asymmetry.
After orthodontic treatment in ③, the left mandibular ramus has grown and the condition is now almost symmetrical.


The lips are slightly recessed and the chin is more forward. The nose is moderately high and extends from the neck to the chin.

Intra Oral

Better growth on the left side of the mandible also affects the midline of the mouth. The midline of the lower teeth has shifted slightly to the right.
The condition of the TMJ and the improvement of the disc condition with splint play a major role in these cases.

Let's look at the condyle length and disc position from the initial consultation to the end of treatment.

Position of MRI disc

The MRI clearly shows that the position of the disc on the left side is better than that on the right side.
Now let's compare whether the difference in disc position leads to a difference in the length of the mandibular condyle (which determines the midline of the lower jaw).

You can see that the left mandibular condyle has grown longer.
This better growth of the left mandibular ramus corrects facial asymmetry and aligns the dental midline in the mouth.

Smile Comparison

After orthodontic treatment, the corners of the mouth are aligned. After splint treatment, the position of the chin is clearly shifted to the left, resulting in a smile that tilts up to the left. After treatment, the position of the eyes, eyebrows, and corners of the mouth are all balanced and aligned.
If she were to appear in the hall of Topkapi Palace and smile with that smile, all men would bow to their knees. Cheers to beauty!!