Even 48-year-old father was surprised! His son's facial features changed after orthodontic treatment

This child was a transfer patient from the US and was first seen in my office when he was 11 years and 1 month old. He seemed to have been receiving first phase treatment (?) for underbite in the U.S.  and was wearing some appliances.


When I took his records at our office, I found that he had a slight disc displacement in his temporomandibular joint (TMJ), so I decided to remove the band on his lower 6th teeth and the lingual bar, and treat his TMJ with splint therapy, waiting for the appropriate time of his lower jaw growth.

When he turned 13, his MRI scan showed that his lower jaw growth was starting to become active, so I started his orthodontic treatment. He had a protrusion of the upper and lower front teeth, so I extracted the premolars. While alignimg his teeth and facial features, I also used counterclockwise rotation of the lower jaw to bring his chin forward.

As the lower jaw grew, I had him wear a headgear during his sleeping hours to prevent the upper molars from protruding. TMJ was adjusted during splint therapy before the orthodontic treatment began, so his lower jaw was able to fully grow counterclockwise. When the treatment was completed at the age of 16, his facial features were very well-balanced, including his alignment of teeth.

【Changes in tooth alignment】
【Changes in facial features】


When his father compared his son’s before-and-after photos, he was surprised and said,

“Can I do it too?”

Nowadays, it is possible to predict and see a certain amount of growth using MRI. Therefore, at our office, we aim to begin orthodontic treatment when the lower jaw is actively growing. There are some treatments that cannot be performed after the child has passed the growth stage and becomes an adult. If you are considering orthodontic treatment for your child, we recommend that you have it once checked.