The Kindle book has been released!
Dr.Ikeda's book is now on sale at the Kindle Store!

【Contents of the book】
- Perfect for dentists and specialists practicing orthodontics with an interest in TMJ
- Illustrates how to achieve a harmony between TMJ and orthodontic treatment through abundant comprehensive records and long-term follow-up data
- Offers information on a notable relationship between TMJ condition and facial growth, particularly that of the mandible
- Various concepts and treatment mechanics are explained alongside approx. 1750 illustrations and pictures, approx. 250 MRIs, and approx. 360 CBCT images
We once received an order for this book from a Ukrainian doctor, but due to the war that started just around the same time, EMS from Japan was completely unavailable and the book could not be sent. No matter where you are overseas or what kind of situation you are in, if you have the Internet, you should be able to connect online. With that in mind, we released the Kindle version. We hope it will make it easier for this book to reach orthodontists around the world who want to learn more about TMJ and orthodontic treatment.